Thursday, 20 September 2012


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Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012



Dr. Dicky Budiman, M.Sc.PH

Dari: Embassy of Mexico <>
Dikirim: Selasa, 18 September 2012 15:18


Menara Mulia, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12930
T. +6221 520 3980 | F. +6221 520 3978 | E.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Lowongan Praktek Dokter

Jaringan Klinik Pratama KF-Primkop IDI, yang merupakan kerjasama antara PT. Kimia Farma Apotek dan Primkop IDI, membutuhkan banyak dokter kompeten untuk menjadi Dokter Pelaksana Praktek di Jaringan Klinik Pratama KF-Primkop IDI.  Lokasi-lokasi yang dibutuhkan adalah :
Pasar Minggu 
Radio Dalam
Blok M 
Depok Siliwangi
Pos Pengumben 
Tanjung Duren
Kemayoran (Jl. Garuda)
Pondok Bambu 
Galaxy Bekasi
Kriteria yang diinginkan untuk calon dokter pelaksana tersebut antara lain :
Wajib memiliki sertifikasi pelatihan PPGD/GLS, EKG dan USG.
Sangat disukai juga memiliki sertifikasi lainnya seperti : Baca foto rontgen, pasang IUD, IVA, Hiperkes, Vaksin, ATLS atau ACLS.
Bagi dokter yang berminat, bisa mengirimkan email lamaran + CV disertai foto (sebelum 28 Sep 2012)  ke:
Ahmad Ali Fahmi
PT. Kimia Farma Apotek, Bagian Klinik
Jl. Budi Utomo No.1, Jakarta Pusat


Thursday, 13 September 2012

senyum dulu

Suatu sore empat ibu-ibu arisan asyik berbincang mengenai urusan ranjang.

Bu Lilis: Aku tuh semalam protes sama suamiku. "Kenapa cepet banget keluarnya? Aku kan belum puas!" Eh suamiku menjawab "Aku ini tentara, Dik. Sekali keluar senjata, langsung tembak. Apalagi dalam keadaan terjepit...!"

Gak mau kalah, Bu Inna langsung menimpali: Ya, Jeng... Sebaliknya saya juga protes ke suami saya: "Kenapa sih Mas, lama banget keluarnya. Dengkulku sampai mau copot, capeeeek...!" Eh, suamiku jawab gini: "Aku ini polisi, Dik... Menembak itu tindakan paling akhir, kalau tidak ada alternatif lain...!"

Bu Ani, yang suaminya anggota Satpol PP, juga menanggapi: Itu sih masih bagus, Bu. Lha saya tiap malam diobrak-abrik, tapi nggak ditembak-tembak...!

Bu Titik, yang suaminya Satpam Parkir sambil manyun berkata: Ah... Ibu-Ibu mbok jangan suka mengeluh. Itu semua sih masih belum seberapa. Lha saya ini tiap malam cuma dibuka-tutup doang. Emangnya saya pintu portal?

Rumah sakit sekolah sedang kedatangan sepasang pacar, yang perempuan berparas melas dan iba, sedangkan yang lekaki menunjukkan rasa sayang yang sangat. Ia dengan gelisah berkata kepada dokter yang menanganinya: "Pak dok, tolong bantu segera memeriksa luka di tangannya, kondisinya apa cukup serius?"

"Lukanya sudah berapa lama? Sudah ada setengah hari belum?" tanya dokter.

"Ya, sudah ada. Pagi ini tangannya dengan tak sengaja luka tergores secarik kertas."

"Jika kalian datang terlambat setengah hari lagi, maka luka ini mungkin segera akan..."
kata dokter.

Lelaki itu segera menimpali: "Segera bagaimana, Pak dok?"

"Segera akan sembuh sendiri.

Thursday, 6 September 2012


WHO South East Asia

Kumpulan Sambutan by Dr Dicky Budiman

Keynote Speech
His Excellency Professor Boediono
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
the Thirtieth Meeting of the Ministers of Health and the Sixty-fifth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia
Yogyakarta, 4 September 2012

·        Your Excellencies,  Ministers of Health of Member States of the WHO South-East Asia Region, 
·        Your Excellency, Dr Margaret Chan, Director General of  the World Health Organization,
·        Your Excellency, Dr. Samlee Pliangbanchang, Regional Director WHO SEARO,
·        Honorable  Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, Governor of Special Area of Yogyakarta,
·        Representatives from Partner Countries and International Organizations,
·        Distinguished Delegates,
·        Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is a great pleasure for me to warmly welcome you all to the Thirtieth Meeting of the Ministers of Health and the Sixty-fifth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia. These meetings are being held in this historical City of Yogyakarta which I hope provides you an excellent environment leading to the successful conclusion of these meetings.

I would like also to take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate Dr Margaret Chan for her re-election to serve a second term in office as the Director-General of the World Health Organization. This reflects the wide recognition of her past contributions  to the World Health Organization and its Member States.  We are extremely proud to see your continuing important role to serve the global community.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are very honoured to host for the second time these meetings where all the eleven members of WHO SEAR get together to review past committments and embark on new initiatives to improve the health status of the people’s of our region. The results of the meetings would certainly contribute to the quality of life worldwide since our region is home to approximately 25 % of the world’s population and include the most dynamic economies in the world.

At this juncture, I would like to recall that recently President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia stated that global development collaboration must be built upon the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities and respected capabilities, and open participation to all stakeholders. This statement seems to be applicable to our ways in the establishment of sustainable health cooperation.

This cooperation must be aimed at empowering the poor in developing countries, and upholding the principles of proportionally shared responsibility and mutual benefits. Moreover, it should enable strengthening health development to overcome global health challenges. I believe these meetings will create momentum toward those ends.

We meet at a time when great challenges loom over the global landscape. These challenges include the occurence of emerging and  re-emerging diseases, slowdown of economy in some parts of the world, rapid population growth and urbanization, as well as fierce competition for scarce resources. These are major flash points which we must watch out for since they have impact on the health status of our people.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The theme of the World Health Day this year focusing on Ageing and Health is very relevant with the current situation of the increasing number of the elderly population in the world including in our region. The estimated number of population of the WHO SEA Region above the age of 60 years is 142 million people or 8%. This number will continue to increase. To address this situation we need to develop and strengthen relevant national and regional policies on Ageing and Health, strengthening the primary health care system and health facilities. Moreover, we need  also to ensure the provision of sufficient resources for programs dealing with Ageing and Health - taking into consideration the economic aspects of long-term care of the elderly persons, both at the facility and household levels.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To ensure the community access towards quality health care, Indonesia has strong commitment and political will to achieve Universal Health Coverage. Continuous efforts have been made to achieve Universal Health Coverage by 2019 for the benefit of the whole population. Indonesia stands ready to share with other countries in the region its experience and to cooperate closely with them with a view to achieving the Universal Health Coverage for the whole people in the region.

The ultimate achievement of the Universal Health Coverage would create social and economic well being of the population which could be disturbed by various health problems such as pandemics caused by communicable diseases. Therefore implementation of International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR)  needs strong committment from all the WHO SEAR Member States. Indonesia is of the view that the IHR is a framework to secure national, regional and global health. We commit to fully implement IHR 2005 in due course.

In relations to the prevention and response of pandemics, I would also like to refer to the resolution WHA64.5 on Pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits adopted during the last year World Health Assembly (WHA). This resolution ensures a fair, transparent and equitable framework which shall guide all WHO Member States in dealing with pandemic influenza preparedness.

Communicable diseases are still the main health problem in Indonesia. However, the country is at present facing a double burden of health care where  at the same time the morbidities and mortalities caused by non communicable diseases (NCDs) show rising trends. It is sad to note that NCDs have become serious health  problems affecting each groups of population including the elderly, and in all countries. Referring to all of the global strategies including the WHO recommendations on the WHO Global strategy for the prevention and control of NCDs and implementation of the Action Plan, I would like to invite all member countries of the WHO SEAR to continue working together to cope with the alarming situation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Cooperation in health sector should complement the over all effort in the socio and economic deveIopment on member countries of WHO SEAR. Therefore it is sincere hope that these meetings will reinforce our common struggle in the achievement of higher health status in the region. The current inhospitable global situation which also affects our region should encourage us all, to work closer together in implementing various global and regional commitments.

 As the global demography and the global health challenges see more complexities, the problems of population and health development will need better and proper solutions acceptable to all of us. 

In closing, allow me to wish you a memorable and enjoyable stay in Yogyakarta and succesful deliberations. Finally, by asking the Grace of God The Almighty hereby I declare the Thirtieth Meeting of the Ministers of Health and the Sixty-fifth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia officially open.

Thank you.


Minister of Health

Monday, 3 September 2012

Ternyata Ada Wanita Yang Bercinta Tanpa Rasa Cinta

Survei menunjukkan, tak selamanya seks membutuhkan cinta. Sebagian Perempuan saat ini mulai menjauh dari kodratnya, dan  mulai mengikuti gaya hidup bebas dan tidak lagi memiliki gambaran seorang wanita yang ada dalam benak atau gambaran umum selama ini. Beberapa dari kaum wanita dapat menikmati hasrat seksnya tanpa harus ada rasa cinta pada pasangannya. Cinta menjadi sesuatu yang dikesampingkan dan dijadikan permainan semata.  Survei secara online terhadap 2.000 perempuan lajang di kota besar di dunia yang berusia 18-63 tahun ini dilakukan oleh majalah Self dan PopSugar Network. Hasilnya, 82 persen perempuan menikmati seks meski tak mendasarinya dengan cinta. Sebanyak 63 persen dari mereka juga disebutkan merasa puas dengan pengalaman seksnya.

"Perempuan tak lagi menunggu mendapatkan pacar untuk mendapatkan pengalaman seks, mereka bisa melakukannya dengan siapa saja" jelas Pepper Schwartz, PhD, profesor sosiologi di Universitas Washington, Seattle.

Menurut Schwartz, saat ini di kota-kota besar semakin banyak perempuan yang mengizinkan dirinya bersenang-senang dengan pengalaman seks tanpa cinta dan mereka menikmatinya. Meskipun begitu, Menurut survei yang sama 37 persen  perempuan tetap menjaga hubungan dan menempatkan rasa cinta sebagai sesuatu yang luhur dan tidak dijadikan permainan hanya untuk kepuasan seks atau menikmati pengalaman seks tanpa cinta.

jadi teringat lagu Dunia ini penuh sandiwara, jadi berhati-hatilah menjaga hati