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Thursday, 30 April 2009
Please note that WHO has raised its alert level to 5 and has given its 5th update – including the affected countries and advice, which are attached below.
Current level of influenza pandemic alert raised from phase 4 to 5
29 April 2009 -- Based on assessment of all available information and following several expert consultations, Dr Margaret Chan, WHO's Director-General raised the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to 5. She stated that all countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. At this stage, effective and essential measures include heightened surveillance, early detection and treatment of cases, and infection control in all health facilities.
Swine influenza - update 5
29 April 2009 -- The situation continues to evolve rapidly. As of 18:00 GMT, 29 April 2009, nine countries have officially reported 148 cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 infection. The United States Government has reported 91 laboratory confirmed human cases, with one death. Mexico has reported 26 confirmed human cases of infection including seven deaths.
The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (13), Germany (3), Israel (2), New Zealand (3), Spain (4) and the United Kingdom (5).
Further information on the situation will be available on the WHO website on a regular basis.
WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities.
There is also no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products. Individuals are advised to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis and should seek medical attention if they develop any symptoms of influenza-like illness.
For practical reasons, we should also be aware of the alert status issued as well as the measures implemented including travel advisory (see below) by the Singapore authorities to combat the influenza. The alert system in Singapore is currently at Yellow and the measures are primarily targeted at the control checkpoints e.g. airport and healthcare facilities.
Alert System
The Ministry of Health has come up with a Disease Outbreak Response System. Singapore is now at Alert Yellow. The response plan allows a risk management approach appropriate to the transmissibility and virulence of the virus. Depending on the mutation pattern of the virus, the intermediate colour codes may be skipped.
Alert Yellow
Inefficient human-to-human transmissions of flu caused by a novel virus, requiring close and sustained contact to an index case. Further spread can be prevented through public health measures to isolate cases and quarantine contacts.
Risk of import into Singapore elevated. Isolated imported cases may occur but there is no sustained transmission.
Strategy is to prevent further import of cases, and to ring fence and isolate cases to prevent spread. The focus will be to provide treatment of all cases, and antiviral prophylaxis to contacts including exposed healthcare workers.
Alert Green action apart, institute home quarantine for close contacts of cases.
Institute temperature screening and impose restriction on hospital and clinic visitors.
Restrict inter-hospital movement, except in emergencies.
Healthcare workers to take temperature twice a day.
Institute temperature screening for passengers arriving from affected countries at border control checkpoints.
Travellers from affected countries given Health Alert Notices (HANs) and advised to monitor their temperature daily for 1 incubation period
Travel AdvisoryMembers of the public are advised to postpone or avoid non-essential travel to Mexico . In the event that travel to Mexico is unavoidable, the public is advised to take precautionary measures such as avoiding crowded areas and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene at all times. Upon returning from the affected area (ie Mexico and the state of New York , California , Texas and Kansas of the United States ), members of the public should continue to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and to monitor their own health.
Members of the public who have travelled to affected places and who develop respiratory illness with fever (Temperature > 38°C) within seven days after their return should put on a surgical mask and seek medical consultation immediately. They should also disclose their travel histories to their doctors.
Current level of influenza pandemic alert raised from phase 4 to 5
29 April 2009 -- Based on assessment of all available information and following several expert consultations, Dr Margaret Chan, WHO's Director-General raised the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to 5. She stated that all countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. At this stage, effective and essential measures include heightened surveillance, early detection and treatment of cases, and infection control in all health facilities.
Swine influenza - update 5
29 April 2009 -- The situation continues to evolve rapidly. As of 18:00 GMT, 29 April 2009, nine countries have officially reported 148 cases of swine influenza A/H1N1 infection. The United States Government has reported 91 laboratory confirmed human cases, with one death. Mexico has reported 26 confirmed human cases of infection including seven deaths.
The following countries have reported laboratory confirmed cases with no deaths - Austria (1), Canada (13), Germany (3), Israel (2), New Zealand (3), Spain (4) and the United Kingdom (5).
Further information on the situation will be available on the WHO website on a regular basis.
WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities.
There is also no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products. Individuals are advised to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis and should seek medical attention if they develop any symptoms of influenza-like illness.
For practical reasons, we should also be aware of the alert status issued as well as the measures implemented including travel advisory (see below) by the Singapore authorities to combat the influenza. The alert system in Singapore is currently at Yellow and the measures are primarily targeted at the control checkpoints e.g. airport and healthcare facilities.
Alert System
The Ministry of Health has come up with a Disease Outbreak Response System. Singapore is now at Alert Yellow. The response plan allows a risk management approach appropriate to the transmissibility and virulence of the virus. Depending on the mutation pattern of the virus, the intermediate colour codes may be skipped.
Alert Yellow
Inefficient human-to-human transmissions of flu caused by a novel virus, requiring close and sustained contact to an index case. Further spread can be prevented through public health measures to isolate cases and quarantine contacts.
Risk of import into Singapore elevated. Isolated imported cases may occur but there is no sustained transmission.
Strategy is to prevent further import of cases, and to ring fence and isolate cases to prevent spread. The focus will be to provide treatment of all cases, and antiviral prophylaxis to contacts including exposed healthcare workers.
Alert Green action apart, institute home quarantine for close contacts of cases.
Institute temperature screening and impose restriction on hospital and clinic visitors.
Restrict inter-hospital movement, except in emergencies.
Healthcare workers to take temperature twice a day.
Institute temperature screening for passengers arriving from affected countries at border control checkpoints.
Travellers from affected countries given Health Alert Notices (HANs) and advised to monitor their temperature daily for 1 incubation period
Travel AdvisoryMembers of the public are advised to postpone or avoid non-essential travel to Mexico . In the event that travel to Mexico is unavoidable, the public is advised to take precautionary measures such as avoiding crowded areas and maintaining high standards of personal hygiene at all times. Upon returning from the affected area (ie Mexico and the state of New York , California , Texas and Kansas of the United States ), members of the public should continue to maintain high standards of personal hygiene and to monitor their own health.
Members of the public who have travelled to affected places and who develop respiratory illness with fever (Temperature > 38°C) within seven days after their return should put on a surgical mask and seek medical consultation immediately. They should also disclose their travel histories to their doctors.
H1N1 Swine Virus
1 As you are aware, the A/H1N1 Swine Influenza virus has struck several countries and is spreading across the globe. The WHO, who is coordinating the global response to the outbreak as well as monitoring the situation, has raised its alert level to Phase 4 (highest level is Phase 6) - characterized by verified human-to-human transmission of an animal or human-animal influenza reassortant virus able to cause “community-level outbreaks.” The ability to cause sustained disease outbreaks in a community marks a significant upwards shift in the risk for a pandemic. Any country that suspects or has verified such an event should urgently consult with WHO so that the situation can be jointly assessed and a decision made by the affected country if implementation of a rapid pandemic containment operation is warranted. Phase 4 indicates a significant increase in risk of a pandemic but does not necessarily mean that a pandemic is a forgone conclusion.
2 In its latest update No.4, the WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities. There is also no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products. Individuals are advised to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis and should seek medical attention if they develop any symptoms of influenza-like illness.
3 It is useful for us to be aware of what we are facing, what we can do to reduce the possibility of contracting it and if we did, what we should do. There is no need to panic. I have extracted some useful information about the swine influenza from the WHO’s website for your information and I would encourage you to constantly visit WHO’s website for updates:
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?
There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in humans. It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide any protection. Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.
What drugs are available for treatment?
There are two classes of such medicines, 1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine), and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
Most of the previously reported swine influenza cases recovered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Some influenza viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine influenza in the United States are sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to amantadine and remantadine.
Information is insufficient to make recommendation on the use of the antivirals in treatment of swine influenza virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the treatment of the patient2. For the ongoing outbreak of the swine influenza infection in the United States and Mexico , the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment of the disease based on the virus’s susceptibility profile.
How can I protect myself from getting swine influenza from infected people?
In the past, human infection with swine influenza was generally mild but is known to have caused severe illness such as pneumonia For the current outbreaks in the United States and Mexico however, the clinical pictures have been different. None of the confirmed cases in the United States have had the severe form of the disease and the patients recovered from illness without requiring medical care. In Mexico , some patients reportedly had the severe form of the disease.
To protect yourself, practice general preventive measures for influenza:
· Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever and cough.
· Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly.
· Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
If there is an ill person at home:
· Try to provide the ill person a separate section in the house. If this is not possible, keep the patient at least 1 meter in distance from others.
· Cover mouth and nose when caring for the ill person. Masks can be bought commercially or made using the readily available materials as long as they are disposed of or cleaned properly.
· Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after each contact with the ill person.
· Try to improve the air flow in the area where the ill person stays. Use doors and windows to take advantage of breezes.
· Keep the environment clean with readily available household cleaning agents.
· If you are living in a country where swine influenza has caused disease in humans, follow additional advice from national and local health authorities.
What should I do if I think I have swine influenza?
If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough and/or sore throat:
· Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds as much as possible.
· Rest and take plenty of fluids.
· Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing and dispose of the used tissues properly.
· Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing.
· Inform family and friends about your illness and seek help for household chores that require contact with other people such as shopping.
If you need medical attention:
· Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before travelling to see them and report your symptoms. Explain why you think you have swine influenza (for example, if you have recently travelled to a country where there is a swine influenza outbreak in humans). Follow the advice given to you for care.
· If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, communicate your suspicion of having swine influenza immediately upon arrival at the healthcare facility.
· Take care to cover your nose and mouth
2 In its latest update No.4, the WHO advises no restriction of regular travel or closure of borders. It is considered prudent for people who are ill to delay international travel and for people developing symptoms following international travel to seek medical attention, in line with guidance from national authorities. There is also no risk of infection from this virus from consumption of well-cooked pork and pork products. Individuals are advised to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water on a regular basis and should seek medical attention if they develop any symptoms of influenza-like illness.
3 It is useful for us to be aware of what we are facing, what we can do to reduce the possibility of contracting it and if we did, what we should do. There is no need to panic. I have extracted some useful information about the swine influenza from the WHO’s website for your information and I would encourage you to constantly visit WHO’s website for updates:
Is there a human vaccine to protect from swine influenza?
There are no vaccines that contain the current swine influenza virus causing illness in humans. It is not known whether current human seasonal influenza vaccines can provide any protection. Influenza viruses change very quickly. It is important to develop a vaccine against the currently circulating virus strain for it to provide maximum protection to the vaccinated people. This is why WHO needs access to as many viruses as possible in order to select the most appropriate candidate vaccine virus.
What drugs are available for treatment?
There are two classes of such medicines, 1) adamantanes (amantadine and remantadine), and 2) inhibitors of influenza neuraminidase (oseltamivir and zanamivir).
Most of the previously reported swine influenza cases recovered fully from the disease without requiring medical attention and without antiviral medicines.
Some influenza viruses develop resistance to the antiviral medicines, limiting the effectiveness of treatment. The viruses obtained from the recent human cases with swine influenza in the United States are sensitive to oselatmivir and zanamivir but resistant to amantadine and remantadine.
Information is insufficient to make recommendation on the use of the antivirals in treatment of swine influenza virus infection. Clinicians have to make decisions based on the clinical and epidemiological assessment and harms and benefit of the treatment of the patient2. For the ongoing outbreak of the swine influenza infection in the United States and Mexico , the national and the local authorities are recommending to use oseltamivir or zanamivir for treatment of the disease based on the virus’s susceptibility profile.
How can I protect myself from getting swine influenza from infected people?
In the past, human infection with swine influenza was generally mild but is known to have caused severe illness such as pneumonia For the current outbreaks in the United States and Mexico however, the clinical pictures have been different. None of the confirmed cases in the United States have had the severe form of the disease and the patients recovered from illness without requiring medical care. In Mexico , some patients reportedly had the severe form of the disease.
To protect yourself, practice general preventive measures for influenza:
· Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and who have fever and cough.
· Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly.
· Practice good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.
If there is an ill person at home:
· Try to provide the ill person a separate section in the house. If this is not possible, keep the patient at least 1 meter in distance from others.
· Cover mouth and nose when caring for the ill person. Masks can be bought commercially or made using the readily available materials as long as they are disposed of or cleaned properly.
· Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly after each contact with the ill person.
· Try to improve the air flow in the area where the ill person stays. Use doors and windows to take advantage of breezes.
· Keep the environment clean with readily available household cleaning agents.
· If you are living in a country where swine influenza has caused disease in humans, follow additional advice from national and local health authorities.
What should I do if I think I have swine influenza?
If you feel unwell, have high fever, cough and/or sore throat:
· Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds as much as possible.
· Rest and take plenty of fluids.
· Cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing and dispose of the used tissues properly.
· Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and thoroughly, especially after coughing or sneezing.
· Inform family and friends about your illness and seek help for household chores that require contact with other people such as shopping.
If you need medical attention:
· Contact your doctor or healthcare provider before travelling to see them and report your symptoms. Explain why you think you have swine influenza (for example, if you have recently travelled to a country where there is a swine influenza outbreak in humans). Follow the advice given to you for care.
· If it is not possible to contact your healthcare provider in advance, communicate your suspicion of having swine influenza immediately upon arrival at the healthcare facility.
· Take care to cover your nose and mouth
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Tips Membaca Label Kemasan Obat
Meski dianggap lebih aman dari obat yang diresepkan dokter, sebelum mengonsumsi obat bebas sebaiknya kita perhatikan beberapa hal yang tercantum pada kemasan atau selebaran yang ada di dalam kemasan obat tersebut.
Nama produk : umumnya berkaitan dengan merek.
Bahan aktif : bahan yang berkhasiat dalam sediaan obat. Pastikan kandungan senyawa aktif obat trsebut dalam batas aman (perlu konsultasi atau anda bisa akses internet) misal obat Phenylpropanolamine kadarnya harus di bawah atau sama dengan 15 mg.
Golongan :merupakan kategori produk seperti obat batuk, antihistamin, atau antipiretik.
Kegunaan : menjelaskan gejala atau penyakit yang akan dicegah atau diobati.
Peringatan : perhatikan kapan boleh atau tidaknya menggunakan obat tersebut, kapan harus berhenti, kapan harus ke dokter dan kemungkinan efek sampingnya.
Aturan pemakaian: berapa banyak takaran penggunaan, bagaimana cara pemakaian, dan berapa lama obat digunakan.
Informasi lain : menyangkut cara penyimpanan.
Kadaluarsa : berakhirnya batas waktu masa aktif dari obat yang bersangkutan yang memungkinkan obat menjadi kurang aktif atau menjadi toksik/beracun.
Bahan tambahan : bahan yang ditambahkan sebagai pengikat, pewarna, penambah rasa atau aroma.
Kontra indikasi: tidak boleh dikonsumsi oleh penderita penyakit tertentu.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Nama produk : umumnya berkaitan dengan merek.
Bahan aktif : bahan yang berkhasiat dalam sediaan obat. Pastikan kandungan senyawa aktif obat trsebut dalam batas aman (perlu konsultasi atau anda bisa akses internet) misal obat Phenylpropanolamine kadarnya harus di bawah atau sama dengan 15 mg.
Golongan :merupakan kategori produk seperti obat batuk, antihistamin, atau antipiretik.
Kegunaan : menjelaskan gejala atau penyakit yang akan dicegah atau diobati.
Peringatan : perhatikan kapan boleh atau tidaknya menggunakan obat tersebut, kapan harus berhenti, kapan harus ke dokter dan kemungkinan efek sampingnya.
Aturan pemakaian: berapa banyak takaran penggunaan, bagaimana cara pemakaian, dan berapa lama obat digunakan.
Informasi lain : menyangkut cara penyimpanan.
Kadaluarsa : berakhirnya batas waktu masa aktif dari obat yang bersangkutan yang memungkinkan obat menjadi kurang aktif atau menjadi toksik/beracun.
Bahan tambahan : bahan yang ditambahkan sebagai pengikat, pewarna, penambah rasa atau aroma.
Kontra indikasi: tidak boleh dikonsumsi oleh penderita penyakit tertentu.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Penylpropanolamine: Dosis aman & Efektif
Tadi pagi, saya ditelpon istri, dia mendapat sms dari seorang temannya yang mengabarkan bahwa Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Pangan USA (FDA) telah menarik produk obat-obatan yang mengandung Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) karena telah terbukti menyebabkan pendarahan otak. Dari sms yang diforward ke hp saya, disebutkan beberapa jenis produk obat flu dan batuk yang beredar di pasaran.
Kasus PPA ini bukan kasus baru.
Ribut-ribut soal keamanan produk obat yang mengandung PPA ini, memang telah mengemuka sejak awal November 2000, ketika Badan pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Amerika (US-FDA) meminta pihak industri untuk menghentikan peredaran produk obat yang mengandung PPA, dan mengeluarkan PPA dari komposisi obat dalam waktu tiga bulan. Sebab, hasil studi Yale di Amerika mengaitkan antara terjadinya hemorrhagic stroke dengan penggunaan PPA, terutama untuk indikasi penekan napsu makan.
Negara Paman Obama itu sebelumnya memperbolehkan PPA digunakan untuk indikasi dekongestan (dosis maksimum 150 mg per hari) dan juga penekan napsu makan (dosis maksimal 75 mg per hari). Begitu pula dengan Malaysia dan Singapura.
Sementara di Australia dan Inggris, yang memiliki sistem pemantauan keamanan obat yang baik, masih mengizinkan peredaran obat yang mengandung PPA. Pasalnya, di dua negara tersebut PPA hanya untuk dekongestan dengan dosis maksimal per hari lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan di Amerika, yaitu 100 mg per hari.
Untuk menjawab dan mendudukan masalah secara proporsional dan mencegah masyarakat mendapat informasi yang salah, maka saya rangkum beberapa informasi di bawah ini:
Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) adalah adalah sintetis dari senyawa sympathomimetic amine yang secara struktural mirip dengan presor amines epinephrine, phenylephrine, aphedrine dan stimulan sistem saraf pusat seperti ephedrine dan amphetamine.
Di Indonesia PPA merupakan sediaan umum yang terdapat dalam obat flu dan batuk-pilek, dan tentu saja berbagai merk obat flu yang beredar luas di masyarakat hampir semuanya mengandung PPA.
Sejak 16 April 2001, Indonesia (BPOM) telah melarang peredaran semua obat yang mengandung phenylpropanolamine (PPA) lebih dari 15 mg per takaran.
Peringatan BPOM ini dituangkan dalam sebuah surat resmi bernomor KBPOM/Ad I/04634 tertanggal 16 April 2001. Larangan ini dilakukan karena PPA bisa menimbulkan percepatan serangan stroke bagi pemakainya bila dikonsumsi dalam jangka lama.
Oleh karena itu produsen obat wajib mencantumkan peringatan (boxwarning) yang jelas terlihat oleh masyarakat. Sehingga bisa mengetahui apakah obat tersebut aman dikonsumsi atau tidak.
Terkait adanya SMS tersebut, Masyarakat Indonesia tak perlu khawatir atas keamanan produk obat yang mengandung Phenylpropanolamine (PPA). Pasalnya, di Indonesia, PPA hanya digunakan dalam obat flu dan batuk sebagai nasal dekongestan (melapangkan hidung tersumbat). Bukan sebagai obat penekan nafsu makan.
Bila digunakan sebagai campuran obat penurun berat badan, penggunaan PPA memang harus ekstra hati-hati. Tapi, kalau digunakan sebagai obat flu dan batuk, PPA cukup aman. Buktinya, Indonesia tidak pernah menerima laporan efek samping hemorrhagic stroke (perdarahan otak), yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan PPA.
Seorang dokter di Unit Stroke RSCM, Dr Airiza Ahmad SpLK, sempat merespon berita ini dengan mengatakan, masyarakat agar tak terlalu cemas terhadap zat phenylpropanolamine. Menurutnya, penyakit stroke pada dasarnya adalah produk dari keadaan yang berlangsung terus-menerus dalam waktu lama. Paling tidak selama enam bulan."Tidak mungkin kan kita makan obat flu setiap hari selama enam bulan,"
Saran saya, selalu perhatikan informasi yang tercantum dalam setiap kemasan obat. Kalau perlu, kita cek satu-satu informasi seputar tiap zat yang terkandung di dalam obat itu. Informasi yang saya maksud adalah seputar khasiat dan efek samping, dosis yang aman per takaran atau dosis aman maksimal per hari. Bila perlu konsultasikan hal tersebut dengan apoteker atau dokter.
Dan, kalau anda saat ini sedang Flu, ada baiknya mencoba anjura berikut:
· Beristirahat 2-3 hari dan mengurangi kegiatan fisik berlebihan.
· Meningkatkan gizi makanan akan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Yaitu makanan dengan kalori dan protein tinggi, serta makan buah segar yang banyak mengandung vitamin.
· Banyak minum air, teh, sari buah, akan mengurangi rasa kering di tenggorokan, mengencerkan dahak, dan membantu menurunkan demam.
· Sering-sering berkumur dengan air garam untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri di tenggorokan
Kasus PPA ini bukan kasus baru.
Ribut-ribut soal keamanan produk obat yang mengandung PPA ini, memang telah mengemuka sejak awal November 2000, ketika Badan pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Amerika (US-FDA) meminta pihak industri untuk menghentikan peredaran produk obat yang mengandung PPA, dan mengeluarkan PPA dari komposisi obat dalam waktu tiga bulan. Sebab, hasil studi Yale di Amerika mengaitkan antara terjadinya hemorrhagic stroke dengan penggunaan PPA, terutama untuk indikasi penekan napsu makan.
Negara Paman Obama itu sebelumnya memperbolehkan PPA digunakan untuk indikasi dekongestan (dosis maksimum 150 mg per hari) dan juga penekan napsu makan (dosis maksimal 75 mg per hari). Begitu pula dengan Malaysia dan Singapura.
Sementara di Australia dan Inggris, yang memiliki sistem pemantauan keamanan obat yang baik, masih mengizinkan peredaran obat yang mengandung PPA. Pasalnya, di dua negara tersebut PPA hanya untuk dekongestan dengan dosis maksimal per hari lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan di Amerika, yaitu 100 mg per hari.
Untuk menjawab dan mendudukan masalah secara proporsional dan mencegah masyarakat mendapat informasi yang salah, maka saya rangkum beberapa informasi di bawah ini:
Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) adalah adalah sintetis dari senyawa sympathomimetic amine yang secara struktural mirip dengan presor amines epinephrine, phenylephrine, aphedrine dan stimulan sistem saraf pusat seperti ephedrine dan amphetamine.
Di Indonesia PPA merupakan sediaan umum yang terdapat dalam obat flu dan batuk-pilek, dan tentu saja berbagai merk obat flu yang beredar luas di masyarakat hampir semuanya mengandung PPA.
Sejak 16 April 2001, Indonesia (BPOM) telah melarang peredaran semua obat yang mengandung phenylpropanolamine (PPA) lebih dari 15 mg per takaran.
Peringatan BPOM ini dituangkan dalam sebuah surat resmi bernomor KBPOM/Ad I/04634 tertanggal 16 April 2001. Larangan ini dilakukan karena PPA bisa menimbulkan percepatan serangan stroke bagi pemakainya bila dikonsumsi dalam jangka lama.
Oleh karena itu produsen obat wajib mencantumkan peringatan (boxwarning) yang jelas terlihat oleh masyarakat. Sehingga bisa mengetahui apakah obat tersebut aman dikonsumsi atau tidak.
Terkait adanya SMS tersebut, Masyarakat Indonesia tak perlu khawatir atas keamanan produk obat yang mengandung Phenylpropanolamine (PPA). Pasalnya, di Indonesia, PPA hanya digunakan dalam obat flu dan batuk sebagai nasal dekongestan (melapangkan hidung tersumbat). Bukan sebagai obat penekan nafsu makan.
Bila digunakan sebagai campuran obat penurun berat badan, penggunaan PPA memang harus ekstra hati-hati. Tapi, kalau digunakan sebagai obat flu dan batuk, PPA cukup aman. Buktinya, Indonesia tidak pernah menerima laporan efek samping hemorrhagic stroke (perdarahan otak), yang berkaitan dengan penggunaan PPA.
Seorang dokter di Unit Stroke RSCM, Dr Airiza Ahmad SpLK, sempat merespon berita ini dengan mengatakan, masyarakat agar tak terlalu cemas terhadap zat phenylpropanolamine. Menurutnya, penyakit stroke pada dasarnya adalah produk dari keadaan yang berlangsung terus-menerus dalam waktu lama. Paling tidak selama enam bulan."Tidak mungkin kan kita makan obat flu setiap hari selama enam bulan,"
Saran saya, selalu perhatikan informasi yang tercantum dalam setiap kemasan obat. Kalau perlu, kita cek satu-satu informasi seputar tiap zat yang terkandung di dalam obat itu. Informasi yang saya maksud adalah seputar khasiat dan efek samping, dosis yang aman per takaran atau dosis aman maksimal per hari. Bila perlu konsultasikan hal tersebut dengan apoteker atau dokter.
Dan, kalau anda saat ini sedang Flu, ada baiknya mencoba anjura berikut:
· Beristirahat 2-3 hari dan mengurangi kegiatan fisik berlebihan.
· Meningkatkan gizi makanan akan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Yaitu makanan dengan kalori dan protein tinggi, serta makan buah segar yang banyak mengandung vitamin.
· Banyak minum air, teh, sari buah, akan mengurangi rasa kering di tenggorokan, mengencerkan dahak, dan membantu menurunkan demam.
· Sering-sering berkumur dengan air garam untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri di tenggorokan
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