Closing Statement
By Delegation of
Ministry of Health of the Republic Indonesia
in the occasion of the
Expert Advisory Group Meeting (EAGM)
The Draft OIC Strategic Health Programme of Action
(OIC-SHPA) 2013-2022
18-19 February 2013
SESRIC Headquarters, Ankara, Turkey
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Mister Chairman,
Distinguished Representatives of Steering Committee and Member Countries,
Representatives of International Organizations,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Alhamdulillah - Praise be to Allah - finally we conclude our meeting. The commitments, views and concerns which brought us together are even more valid and relevant today. Despite some progress made, challenges still remain and demand persistent attention. Making the Strategic Health Programme of Action OIC 2013-2022 work and useful for all member states is our shared challenge and responsibility.
Mister Chairman,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
We believe that the work related to the implementation of the Strategic Health Programme of Action OIC 2013-2022 must begin immediately.
In the days, months, and years ahead the world will still face a number of major challenges in delivering better status of health for the people - including those living in the OIC member countries. Lack of resources, lack of appropriate technology, and inadequate human resources in health sector might hamper many of our member countries progress toward the achievements of prosperous nations both spiritually and materially.
My delegation observes that the Strategic Health Programme of Action OIC 2013-2022 express continuous concerns and hopes that we have to address together. These are in line with the purposes and founding principles of the OIC and the principles of the World Health Organization Constitution which emphasize among others that health of all peoples is fundamental to the attainmnet of peace and security and is dependent upon the fullest cooperation of individuals and states.
Mister Chairman,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I wish to conclude my remarks by emphasizing the need for all of us to start a new beginning, an era of action, action and more concrete action. Once again thank you for your kind attention, May Allah bless all of us. Thank you.
Wassalammu ‘alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh