Girl, tell me only this That I'll have your heart for always And you want me by your side Whispering the words I'll always love you Bridge: And forever I will be your lover And I know if you really care I will always be there Now I need to tell you this There's no other love like your love And I,as long as I live, I'll give you all the joy My heart and soul can give Bridge: Let me hold you Chorus: Because I'm truly Lady, morning's just a moment away And I'm without you once again You laughed at me You said you never needed me I wonder if you need me now (chorus:) So many dreams that flew away So many words we didn't say Two people lost in a storm Where did we go? Where'd we go? We lost what we both had found You know we let each other down But then most of all - I Do Love You - Still! We played the games that people play We made our mistakes along the way Somehow I know deep in my heart You needed me 'Cause I needed you so desperatly! We were too blind to see But then most of all - I do love you - Truly in love with you girl I'm truly head over heels with your love I need you, and with your love I'm free And truly,you know you're alright with me I need to have you near me And I feel with you in my arms This love will last forever |

Blog ini berisi artikel agama, kesehatan, MDGs, Post MDGs dan informasi lainnya yang ditulis langsung atau dirangkum dari sumber lain. Penulis berkecimpung di bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat,Kesehatan Lingkungan, Diplomasi & Politik Kesehatan, Perencanaan & Anggaran, MDGs dan Agenda Paska 2015. Pengalaman Institusi: Kemkes, Bappenas, UNAIDS, WHO, UNODC, UNDP, ASEAN Secretariat,Beragam proyek hibah